Introducing In Her Corner – Launch Trailer

Introducing In Her Corner - Trailer Image

Hello and welcome to In Her Corner, a podcast aimed at celebrating and empowering women working at every level of sport on and off the field.

I’m your host Liseli Sitali, a sports fan and self-confessed workaholic who started this podcast as a way to productively fill my time whilst I am on furlough from my full-time job as a sports marketer. This podcast is also my way of keeping in touch with working in sport because it is such a huge part of my life and has shaped who I am today.

In the last few weeks, I have also been moved by a need to use my platform more positively and purposefully to serve as my own personal response to the Black Lives Matter and anti-racism movement which means so much to me as a young black woman working in an industry where I am underrepresented in both race and gender.

However, I feel truly fortunate to have been given an opportunity by lots of great men and women who have pushed me because of the potential they see in me. But it would be both blind and wrong for me to ignore the fact that an industry I love has not been good at showing up to give space to, recognise and celebrate diversity, particularly around women and people of colour. This is why I want In Her Corner to be a platform dedicated to shining a spotlight on women working in sport.

For too long women working in sport have been continuously underrepresented and often lack the respect, recognition and career progression opportunities which their talent and contributions deserve. But it is not all bleak. There is light at the end of the tunnel with a steady stream of women breaking through the glass ceiling and this podcast will be dedicated to telling their stories.

Through telling these incredible women’s stories I hope to inspire more women like myself to progress and thrive in much the same way as a lot of the women I will be fortunate to speak to as we go on this journey.

I would also like this podcast to act as an educational resource for young girls, boys, women and men looking to enter the sports industry which is why this podcast will delve into the experiences and learnings of the all the successful women featured. My hope is that you will enjoy the journey that this podcast takes you on, that you will be inspire and moved to act with purpose. And most of all that you benefit from the learnings and experience of women who are truly at the top of their respective games.

Episode 1 of In Her Corner will drop on 1st July and is one I am truly excited about as it features Rowena Samarasinhe, a woman who is exemplary of the kind of diverse career path available in sport if you are truly passionate about sport and are prepared to work hard to achieve your dreams.

I am looking forward to sharing Rowena’s story with you as well as the stories of all the other great women who have kindly agreed to share learnings from their experience with us. I truly believe that the women we will encounter are not only role models for women like me working in sport but society as a whole.

You can listen to the launch trailer for this podcast using the player below.

In Her Corner is available to listen to, subscribe and download on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other major streaming platforms. Episode 1 drops at 1pm BST on Wednesday 1st July 2020.

Podcast theme track by Wayne Urquhart and Mix Engineering by Nick Murphy.


Rowena Samarasinhe – Episode 1