4 Ways we can all Win in the Workplace with Benny Bonsu


Sport is an elite arena which people admire, and ultimately has the ability to construct principle ideals through role models and athletes. Consequently, it offers a unique opportunity for sports’ inherent values to be reproduced in the workplace and for traditional industry norms to be confronted and challenged. The reality is that we have a long way to go when it comes to diversity in the workplace.

We recently spoke to Benny Bonsu, in episode 3 of In Her Corner, who gave some valuable insights and learnings on diversity, and ways we can all win together.

“Sport is a great equaliser when we’re in the field of play, we’re all the same, we’re playing on the same team to achieve a common goal.”

Benny Bonsu

1. Knowing your why

Having faith in yourself and knowing your purpose, you can overcome almost anything. Remain confident in all that you do because we were all brought into this world for a reason. Don’t change yourself to fit into the traditional “alpha” community, it’s those who show empathy that gain respect from so many. 

2. Become comfortable with the uncomfortable

Challenging yourself and igniting conversations with those around you, unconsciously provides a catalyst for growth. Continue to question motivations by having uncomfortable conversations. Remember, we are not going to right any wrongs by staying comfortable.

3. Make space for different voices

We must continue to elevate people around us, from all different backgrounds and remind ourselves that all voices need to be heard. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, we should stand together as we are all working towards the same goal, just through different paths.  Lean on those who are always there to support you and create an environment to cherish those who might be in need.  

“We’re creating change we don’t even know about. We’re inspiring men we don’t even know about. We’re making men sit down and really scratch their heads and go why didn’t we do this before?” 

Benny Bonsu

4. Moments of weakness will become your strengths

Don’t beat yourself up if you aren’t where you want to be right now, remind yourself you’re doing the best you can. Be patient and kind to yourself. You may not think or know it, but your actions will be influencing others around you - so keep going!


Three Defining Lessons on Leadership by Catherine Becker